0023: Fervor Friday With Julieta Chiara


They won’t tell you fairytales of how girls can be dangerous and still win. They will only tell you stories where girls are sweet and kind and reject all sin. I guess to them it’s a terrifying thought, a red riding hood who knew exactly what she was doing when she invited the wild in.

- Nikita Gill

Deviants welcome back to another edition of Fervor Friday’s, oh how I have missed you. Know today let me delight you with the ever so breath-taking Julieta Chiara. This enchanting goddess and I connected via Instagram and as a fellow sex educator we bonded over kink and debauturus chit chat, rest assure we will be bring you some orgasmic collaborations in the near future but for now fall in love or lust in the splendor of the be witching Julieta.


Who is Julieta Chiara?

 First and foremost, I am a travel obsessed woman who loves sex, and all forms of it. In my earlier days before pursuing my Psych degree (with emphasis in human sexuality), I was infatuated. I spent almost every waking moment I had learning about sex, exploring fantasies, viewing artistic pornography, you name it: and in school, Julieta Chiara sprouted.  Julieta Chiara was born in November of 2017, with very bold and brave moves to normalize female sexuality, the use of toys, and especially…BDSM. My humble beginnings led me to explode my empire, ranging from a variety of roles as a blogger, educator, influencer, and most importantly...entrepreneur. Using my skills that I learned in building my brand, I now run my own Digital Media Agency specifically for the adult space, Chiara Collective. 

And at this moment, how do you spend your days?

A few years ago, when I sat down and made a list of things that mattered to me, three things stood out brightly: sex, travel, and freedom. After years of hard work (and still working even harder), I spend my time as a digital nomad. My days can either be spent traveling to random parts of the world while lugging an entire suitcase full of sex toys. Depending on the destination, I’m usually tucked away in a local coffee shop working together with my community and clients. That is… if I didn’t get carried away masturbating. A huge part of my free time and work consists of reviewing sex toys thoroughly, making me a huge advocate for work & play. 


I love that you are attempting to normalize female sexuality and empowerment, how did your love for this empowerment work begin?

It began when I became sexually active as a young woman. Entering my sexual life, I came to realize how ashamed my peers were of their bodies, experiencing pleasure, and reciprocating pleasure. If my peers did explore pleasure, the experience always resulted in a deficit- a deficit of power, confidence, or morals. Why? Why was something as beautiful and powerful as a sexual exchange considered so terrible? As a sexually empowered woman, I knew it was my life mission to unearth this same power in others.

Can you tell us a little about your upbringings?

Much to everyone’s surprise, I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah to two Argentine parents and two younger sisters. Growing up Latina and non-religious in a white, Mormon state is. interesting. With my first language being Spanish, I rocked a cute little accent until kindergarten. My family went through their own struggles such as divorce, poverty, and major health scares. We made it out alive and better than ever, which is what matters. I advanced much quicker than my peers through school, always had older friends, and embarked on my sexual journey with open arms.


My parents were and still are my biggest blessings: They raised my two sisters and I to be naked, empowered, and sassy women who are VERY outspoken and unbothered by others opinions. They educated and let me explore the topic of sex from an early age, being my first teachers in things like sex education, explaining pleasure, and reproductive health. When I lost my virginity, my mother took me to Planned Parenthood to get prescribed birth control- we went to lunch and a movie after. 


In short, I would describe my upbringing as free, curious, and. a bit of a wild child. Some things never change. 

How would you define yourself and what inspires you?

   I would describe myself as a manifestor. I love to create, I love to inspire, I love to connect and explore my own depths and others. I’m inspired by the amazing people, especially women (such as yourself), around me who are powerful voices in advancing our lives and pleasure. Seeing those who live fearlessly and harness their power is a huge motivating drive for me. 

Julieta how vital is self-pleasure to you?

 I recently got the word HEDONE tattooed behind my ear; the Greek Goddess of sex & pleasure. Behind the other ear, I have the anatomical clitoris tattooed. Pleasure navigates my life: It’s my happiness, it’s my job, it’s my way of having purpose in this world.  

 Julieta what led you to embrace your own sensuality and why is doing so important?

I vividly remember looking at my first Shunga (Erotic Japanese Art) when I was incredibly young. It depicted a woman self-pleasuring and enjoying a partner in another scene. Knowing that this was an ancient piece of art, I realized… sexuality is the essence of our being.  It’s been here long before me, and will be long after me… no matter what time in history, pleasure has always been essential for us. Without our sexuality, our eroticism, our driving charge… we are nothing. 


Discovering that energy and honoring who I am as a sexual being not only gave me confidence and pleasure, but truly felt like a worship to the women before me and to come. It’s empowered me more than any person, place, or thing on this earth: and every person deserves to have this power. We all have it, it’s just a matter of realizing it. 

Julieta in your opinion and experience the difference between good sex and bad sex?

Good sex is any form of sexual interaction that is empowering, respectful, and mindful of your pleasure: in short, an energy exchange that honors you and your partner on all levels. 


I describe bad sex a lot like a build your own meal at a restaurant. If you don’t ask for what you want, set standards, and put some boundaries (I don’t want this, I want that) ... you’re going to get something random that will most likely not align with your true needs.

Sex, self-pleasure, deep intimacy… are topics that don’t seem to be as readily or openly accepted by society yet. Why is this?

 Growing up in Salt Lake City, I definitely saw the effects of what happens to humans who don’t have sexual health, pleasure, or sexuality explained to them. Socio-cultural factors play a huge role, whether that be religion, family upbringing, and of course… social “standards”.


No matter the situation, female pleasure, masturbation, and intimacy seems to always be the biggest threat. In my own opinion, it comes down to the oppression of women. A sexually empowered, educated, and orgasmic woman is a force you can’t fuck with. When you take away someone’s sexual livelihood, you are oppressing them of their own light and power.  


 What does sexual healing mean to you?

  I think many of us have healed over and over again throughout our lifetime, and our sexuality seems to be the epicenter of fostering that healing. When we can feel safe, empowered, and radiate pleasure sexually… we can get through anything. 


No matter what we have gone through, the main premise of healing is finding security and safety within ourselves again. Through self-pleasure and healthy sexual exchanges, we can learn to trust ourselves and others, while coming back into our bodies. 


Julieta can you share a little about your business?

 Of course! Last year I launched Chiara Collective, which is my digital media agency for the adult space. As a blogger who’s worked with many adult toy brands, the underlying issue was always the same: the marketing did not appeal to a mainstream audience. Traditionally, many adult brands end up stuck marketing to a very small target since their approach is pornographic, or just nonexistent. No social media is sometimes worse than having a sub-par one, it’s how we connect with our customers and clients!


With my experience in navigating adult topics in media, curating media friendly photography, and building my social media, my business has grown fast. My aim is to provide tasteful, educational, and professional digital marketing solutions for the adult wellness space. I work with a variety of clients on managing their social media platforms, creating their content, educating their audiences, and more. 


Do you have any advice for females on how to utilize their sexual energy?

Sex magic is real, and it’s actual very simple. Sexual energy is creative energy, there is no doubt. I would have never built a successful business, community, and relationship with myself if I didn’t harness this energy. 


I recommend starting with masturbation. During your practice, think about the things you want to manifest or accomplish- and tie your pleasure to it. Actions done out of pleasure are powerful, and instill confidence. 


Heading to a job interview you’re nervous about? Masturbate before, think about your wild success, and take your time. Go in there, and I promise you’ll nail it with the sex magic you just practiced. 


 When you are caught up in your head or just really busy/distracted in life, how do you get back to earth (and into your body)?

While masturbation brings me back into my body, BDSM has truly given me the gift of getting back into my body. I am a huge fan of Shibair, so practicing ties with myself or with a partner makes me feel at home with my body. Time stops, I go into flow, and love feeling the pressure of rope against my skin.


Do you have a favorite ritual?

In my last year of traveling, I discovered my first non-sexual fetish: A rooftop drink! A self-proclaimed rooftop slut, wherever I am in the world I always make time to scope out the best rooftops to go have a drink or coffee at. If I can’t find a rooftop, I still enjoy a coffee with scenery on my deck, headphones on, listening to music and fully enjoying the moment. It’s such a mental reset to see the beauty that surrounds me… with a light kick of caffeine or wine of course. 

Can you share some tips for embracing sensuality and being sexually empowered?

Your sexuality, needs, body, and interests are all valid. While undoing sexual shame or taboo feelings takes time, recognizing yourself as a sexual being that deserves pleasure is a huge step. When we can prioritize that pleasure, our energy towards ourselves and our relationships will shift for the best. 

Julieta, thank you for sharing your time and energy with us where can the Kinktra lovers can find you?

I am so thankful to have been on, you are a Goddess!

 You can find me via my socials and websites. 

 Insta: @julietachiara



Luna Bramlett